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Sunday, April 15, 2012

I GOT INTO KONA TODAY!!!!  I remembered that the lottery spots are announced on April 15th every year and put it on reminder list. I had been thinking a lot about how far ahead I am in training and how I’m ready for something big. Also felt more mature as an athlete and in the sport, which is not to say that I am any sort of veteran; just learned a lot, as I still am. I was also thinking about what it would feel like to go to Kona this year and that maybe I should have prayed more about it. But, I realized that God knows all about what I want, and would send me to Kona when the time was right.

When I went out for my run today, I didn’t feel like running much. But, I pushed myself out the door and did my warm up and was happy to be outside. Then the headwind and hail hit, but I was almost halfway and didn’t have enough time to go to the gym, so I pushed through. All the while, Kona and the lottery were in my mind. The good news was the headwind was at my back on the return trip and my muscles had finally warmed up and were excited now about running. I finished strong, and a faster pace than the first half (which is called a negative split) and felt good.

My sister had come over so we could go south to see our great aunt for her birthday, and I mentioned having to check the IM web site for the lottery results before we could go. (I had checked before my run, but the list wasn’t up yet) After pulling up the list, I began to scroll through looking for Colorado and then the athlete’s names. Two athletes had gotten in from our state and I was concerned there wouldn’t be a third. And then, I found another Colorado athlete and looked over to find my name and age! Of course I did a double and triple take and then screamed for my sister. She came running and looked at the screen and confirmed that it said my name. I jumped up and we hugged and I began to cry and shake and became overheated with emotion. This was my dream that I had started to pursue 18 months ago and all of my visualizing and faith and believing that I would be there had come to fruition. I was literally high and numb at the same time.

I called my coach, Kathy Alfino (Mile High Multisport owner and 3rd ranked woman in the world at Kona), who had also just checked the list and saw my name and that I had called. We were elated together and she confirmed that I was the first athlete from their team to get into Kona this year! Then, I called my BFF, Crystal, who was in Florida on business and she immediately picked up. I started screaming that I was going to Kona and then she started screaming too. She is already going to my Cambridge, MD race and now she is going to Kona with me as well. We celebrated together on the phone and she was literally yelling out her car window as she was driving, my BFF’s going to Kona!!!! What incredible supportive friends and family I have! Then I proceeded to call and text everyone close to me that has been pulling for me to and basked in the rush of replies and well-wishes and energy. WOW, what a magical, phenomenal day. Thank you Lord, for this huge blessing. I will work hard to be worthy of competing in such a magical place and make you proud.

For reference, only 100 athletes are chosen through the lottery system, each year. Over 90,000 athletes pursue entry to Kona every year, for 1,900 racing spots. The 2012 Kona Ironman will take place on October 13, 2012. To claim my spot, I have to register and complete either a half IM or full by August 31st. I am already signed up for the Eagleman race on June 10th (half distance) in Cambridge, MD and the full Ironman in Louisville, KY on August 24th. To watch coverage, you can log onto and televised coverage will be on sometime in November. Once my number is assigned, you can track my progress on the Ironman web site.



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