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Archive: NOVEMBER 2006
The days of Nov.....
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Who knew training for an ultra distance ironman could be so difficult?  The days are getting shorter and my rides are getting longer.  I just don't understand?  I mean why do farmers need to set the clocks back or forward or whatever they do just so they can work more and I have to train at all weird hours of the day?  It just doesn't make any sense to me.  Why does Indiana and Arizona not conform to this ridiculous rule while the rest of America suffers day by day with spring back and leap forward or whatever the silly gnomonic is? When I enter the Pearly Gates this will be the first question I ask.It sure doesn't help that I am 30lbs over my projected race weight right now.  I mean the clydesdale division in a long distance ultra ironmaning event isn't too big to start with.  I think I need to fire my coach and take up ultimate Frisbee or something.  The girth of my belly has now reached astronomical proportions.  It sickens me to even think about eating.  Maybe that’s why I will eat a whole thing of Peanut Butter Cup Ice cream and then puke it all up over my apt balcony.  Good thing we are getting rain here in Portland, to wash it all away.Speaking of this disaster of a city I live in, I was all running out at Forest Park last night with my headlamp when I came across this crazy Czech guy.  He was all breathing hard and struggling to get up even the smallest of hills.  After I stopped him and told him to catch a breather he introduced himself and proceeded to jump in the creek and wash his hair!  This guy is a nutball.  You should have seen the amount of dirt and bugs that came out of his hair.  I think he had been living in Forest Park for at least a month maybe more.  So I gave him $5 and a coupon to Yogurt Pump just so he could eat a little something.  He claimed to be an athlete but I think he was homeless.  He did claim to be a local charity 5K event, they were fighting emphysema or was it whooping cough?  I forgot.  I got on the web to look at the race pics and I did find one of him (See attached pic).  So he wasn't lying.  He's just a homeless athlete.Oh well, I love blogging.  I just need alot of help on my spelling and grammar.  Are there any triathletes out there that would be willing to tutor me in proper English while we do 200K on the bike?


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